Be Our Bimbo!

Sugar parents seek a world-class bimbo sugar-baby. Beloved sex-pet. Human Barbie-doll. Living fuck-doll. Perfect bimbo. Come live our life with us…


Travel will be often - on average a trip every 1-2 weeks. You will be living in many places in the world, probably including Lisbon, London, Malta, New York and Tokyo. Our residences in these places are amongst the most luxurious and wonderful that the world has to offer and you would have complete access to the facilities.

All of your travel with us is as a VIP, generally by private jet, first-class commercial, helicopter or luxury car. All hotels are five-star and suites will generally include an adjoining room for you.

There will be times where we want you to sleep in our bed, and other times where we will want to be left alone and you will sleep in the adjacent room. Similarly, we will sometimes want you to eat with us and sometimes not, with us probably more often than not.



As the Pink Bimbo Academy website says, cosmetic/plastic surgery is an important part of the bimbo ideal, and we are looking for someone with very ambitious desires in this regard. A plastic-infused body which we have helped shape is a huge turn-on for us. As is the colour pink, makeup and accessories which exaggerate the sexual aspects of your face and body.

You should exist as an artificial personification of sex. When an average person sees you, they should immediately, unmistakably and irrevocably think of it. They should stare, unable to tear their eyes away from you whether in disapproval or desire.

Large “dick-sucking” lips and XXL breast implants are crucial for the look and you will be passionate about getting this done. We will be happy to support you in engaging a truly world-class surgeon for this shortly into your time with us. Other fillers, laser hair removal, pussy/ass bleaching and barbie surgery will also be procedures you want.

Rib removal, facial sculpting and cinderella procedures might be of interest to you, but for us it’s not so important. We are wholly against BBL/butt implants and find a modest ass much more attractive.

A healthy/slim figure, whether by liposuction or a good exercise regime & diet, is crucial. You need not be skinny, but should not have excess body fat. Other less substantial cosmetic procedures such as hair extensions and botox are fine with us also.


The Entourage

We are open to the possibility of having more than one bimbo within our entourage, so exclusivity should not be assumed. It would probably only be a maximum of two bimbos at any given time, though. If you were part of a bimbo pair, you would be expected to become “bimbo best friends”.

In addition to you, we may have a security team close by, and often travel with friends, an assistant and our housekeeper/cleaner.


Daily routine

When not traveling, your days will be filled with several activities:


  • Sex with us and pleasuring us physically in other ways (masturbation, massage, stroking, washing, hair-brushing).

  • Studying and practicing sexual acts, either with us or alone (with sex-aids) in order to ensure that your sexual abilities are always improving.

  • Reading and revising materials on bimbo-training websites such as the Pink Bimbo Academy.

  • Watching trainer videos which help you achieve the perfect bimbo attitude and mindset.

  • Meditating on the above.

  • Physical exercises, especially those recommended for hyper-feminine girls.

  • Minor cosmetic procedures (nails, hair).

  • Spa treatments, massage and generally being pampered.

  • Shopping.

  • Hanging out with us, watching TV, listening to music.

  • Partying with us, when that happens.


Sexual service is likely to be very big part of your life at all levels. For example, we will often want you to quietly wake up before us and perform oral sex/masturbation on one or both of us to gently wake us up, like a sexual alarm clock.



We are expecting someone to be with us long-term, at least 5 years and perhaps for life. This is due to two main reasons: firstly, it will take quite some time for you to learn our bodies and be able to give us the pleasure we want. Secondly, becoming the perfect bimbo takes several cosmetic procedures which cannot be rushed.

For this reason amongst others, our ideal candidate would begin with us at the age of 18-19 years. This is not a strict requirement though and we would consider candidates up to the age of 29.


Our “dating” expectations would be:

  • One first date, which could be a meal, walk, drink, coffee or a combination. A private room in a five star hotel as well as a business class flight and transfers will be provided if needed.

  • One late-night date, possibly involving some nudity (e.g. sauna, jacuzzi) but not sex.

  • One short-stay (perhaps three nights), which would likely involve at least one night sharing a bed and possibly (safe) sex.

  • One long-stay (perhaps three weeks), which would involve international travel (private jet, hotel) and some (safe) sex.


If it’s all going well after this, then we would expect to be able to invite you to join us indefinitely. At this point (if not already before), we would expect you to be sexually exclusive to us and to get a full sexual health checkup.


Allowances and Savings

We will not offer any up-front payment because we are not looking for someone with the short-term transactional mindset of a prostitute. If this is a requirement then it is not a good fit.

We will likely offer substantial (non-cash) gifts following a good first date as a token of our good will. They might include shopping vouchers and small cosmetic procedures (nails, waxing, botox, lip fillers).

The short- and long-stays will come with a modest allowance of 1,250 EUR for the short-stay and 3,500 EUR for the long-stay.

Once you become our beloved bimbo sex-pet indefinitely, then in addition to all food, travel, accommodation, and cosmetic procedures, you will receive a credit card for your other expenses.

Your credit card will have a 4,000 EUR/month limit and can be used for clothing, accessories, minor cosmetic services and other shopping. It will rise to 6,000 EUR/month after 12 months, and we may make further rises in the years after.


Finally, after 24 happy months with us we intend to discuss a "retirement package", but the details will be discussed at a later stage.


Time away

While we would like you to be available to us constantly (even if not always in the same room), we know that you will probably need to travel away from us to visit your family from time to time. We would generally expect you to limit this to a week or two every two or three months. There may be times for us when your presence would be a little inappropriate (such as when visiting our family) and these times would make for excellent opportunities for you to return home, if desired. (If not, then it would also not be a problem to stay at one of our residences.)

We would of course arrange your (business-class) travel back home from wherever we happen to be at the time.


Mindset and attitude

When we say “bimbo” we don’t mean “airhead” and we don’t want you to be dumb. We just mean you should be a hyper-feminine, hyper-sexual girl. Some degree of mental pliancy and submissiveness will probably help you be happy in this role, but you’re also going to need some common sense and emotional intelligence. We don’t want to see tantrums or interruptions with inappropriate comments. And we want you to be happy with us, and that starts with being happy with yourself.

We are looking for someone with a deep desire to exist in a role with clear goals, borders and boundaries, which we will set. You will exist with deference, commitment and loyalty to us, not entirely unlike the relationship between a young girl looking up to her parents. Though we are not strict, when you are around us, you should be comfortable with being quiet, listening and speaking only when spoken to. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, better to keep your mouth closed and risk appearing a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

You will live in luxury, but this privilege will be paid for by your service to us and your pursuit of becoming our perfect human sex-doll. Your life will probably change quite drastically as we begin making many of your lifestyle decisions for you.


Contact Us!

If this sounds perfect for you, please get in touch with us at with as much information about yourself as you can. Age, location, some photos and an Instagram account would be a great start!

— L&J